It doesn’t have to be all dark clouds
Newly diagnosed? Help starts here

One of our most asked questions.

A little effort goes a long way
There's more you can do to help yourself

Welcome to Lupus Trust
Official Support and Information
A resource for patients, carers, medical professionals and fundraisers.

In 1991 the Lupus Trust (previously St Thomas Lupus Trust) was set up to fund vital research into lupus and provide information on lupus. Since then, we have worked tirelessly with nursing staff, clinical research teams, patients and those who care for friends or family with Lupus. You can learn more about our background here.
Our aim is simple - we ultimately want to find a cure and in the meantime advance the treatment of lupus. We do our best to ensure factual information is shared around the world and that there is an understanding over the difficulties and often life changing circumstances that affect people with lupus.
Our online resource and community should provide many useful and interesting answers, however if you require more information or think we could benefit from additional content on this website, please contact us.

The Latest Lupus Trust News
It’s very difficult to admit to being depressed and by that I don’t mean just feeling a bit sad for a day or two. You may feel guilty and think you should ‘pull yourself together’, especially if there’s nothing that you can think of that accounts for why you feel this way.
The World Lupus Federation (WLF), co-founded in 2015 by the Lupus Foundation of America and Lupus Europe, is celebrating a decade of remarkable achievements in the fight against lupus. As the only global community organization dedicated to lupus, the WLF unites more than 200 lupus patient advocacy organizations from around the world, amplifying the voices of people living with lupus and driving awareness, research, education, and advocacy.
You can join in with an organised fundraising events and raise funds for us.
Please ensure you let the team know you are fundraising for the Lupus Trust.
At Christmas we may eat foods that we don’t eat normally so it’s worth a reminder that some food/drinks can interact with certain medications.
Every lupus patients is different and although most see a rheumatologist they may find that their rheumatologist may refer them to other doctors with different specialisations. Here are the other doctors you may be referred to.
Dr Oge speaks about the flu vaccine and explains why she is encouraging people with Lupus to get their winter vaccinations and avoid hospitalisation.
Dr Oge Ilozue is a practicing GP and Clinical Advisor for the NHS Vaccination Programme
Information is always popping up regarding foods and supplements that may trigger lupus flares. The information is sometimes conflicting and not all of us are affected by the same things, but if you are having flares it might be worth looking at whether any of the following is triggering flares and eliminating them from your diet.
A recent global survey conducted by the World Lupus Federation reported that 91% of survey respondents were taking or have taken oral steroids to treat their lupus. Over 7,700 people living with lupus from more than 100 countries participated in the survey..
When a new patient asks for advice one of the first things I say is treat your body well, it needs your help. High up in the list of things I personally think is very important for your body (lupus or not) is good nutrition.
As we say in our section on diet there’s no particular diet that is recommended for lupus but there are foods that can help your lupus or on the opposite side of the coin make you sick.