At Christmas we may eat foods that we don’t eat normally so it’s worth a reminder that some food/drinks can interact with certain medications.
Food glorious food (Part 2)
Information is always popping up regarding foods and supplements that may trigger lupus flares. The information is sometimes conflicting and not all of us are affected by the same things, but if you are having flares it might be worth looking at whether any of the following is triggering flares and eliminating them from your diet.
Food glorious food!
When a new patient asks for advice one of the first things I say is treat your body well, it needs your help. High up in the list of things I personally think is very important for your body (lupus or not) is good nutrition.
As we say in our section on diet there’s no particular diet that is recommended for lupus but there are foods that can help your lupus or on the opposite side of the coin make you sick.