My mother passed away in September 2005 and my father in November 2005 with my 15th birthday and my brother's 13th birthday falling slap-bang in the middle. Fortunately for my brother, he was able to stay with another family after the unfortunate losses suffered. I on the other hand did not deal with their loss in the most conducive manner and as a result of not processing my grief, my Lupus was triggered, in December 2007 I was placed on kidney dialysis and my life changed forever.
Nikki's story
I am Nikki, aged 32. Crafter extraordinaire, lover of percy pigs, big foodie, doctor and 8 years into my lupus diagnosis. Basically, I’m learning to live my life despite lupus.
My story started during my first year as a junior doctor. I had graduated about 8 months previously and was working all sorts of different shifts and my body was just exhausted.